How bad is the H1N1?

How can you be so sure it was not caused by the flu shot?

It was caused by the SEASONAL flu vaccine, NOT the H1N1 vaccine!

Yes which is a variation of the flu shot nonetheless. They are all pretty similar and all pushed through the FDA super fast. The same FDA that approved phen fen, redux and vioxx. Sorry but if a drug or vaccine has not been on the market for atleast five years in a single formula I am not taking it. I prefer not to be a guinea pig.
You do what you have to do
I am not telling anyone not to take it. I was just getting some info out there that I thought was something well worth knowing and considering before taking it.
Mstowers - some of us don't have strong immune systems, that why we take the drugs we do. I try to go without my steroids for asthma and then I'm in real trouble! You can't just say "stop taking drugs" across the board. Some do save lives. It's been months since I've slept thru the night even with drugs. I do eat right and all that, to no avail. No one can predict what illnesses we are going to get in the future. I never thought I would get asthma, I don't even smoke!
We haven't had it yet. One of my son's friends ended up in the hospital for a number of days. She had no underlying health issues, but she is a teen ager and that seems to be the hardest hit age group. My understanding is that it's not more deadly than seasonal flu when you look at the percentage of people who get it and of those infected the number of deaths. However, this is a much more contagious bug and will infect many more people than the regular seasonal flu. Plus, it does appear to impact the young and healthy disproportionately. It seems as if it's light for some people and horrid for others.

I am one for caution, not panic. But, I am hoping our vaccines come in before we get it
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Seems to me that it's not h1ni that's killing people, it the antibiotic resistant pneumonia.

I think that doctors need to teach people how to help there bodies get well instead of just pushing antibiotics or other medicines on them. Eating right and drinking plenty of water and getting excercise goes a long way in preventing illness. Rest and good nutrition goes far in helping your body heal.

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