How big are your orpington eggs?


12 Years
Jul 4, 2007
I have a buff orpington (of not the highest quality stock, for sure) and her eggs are just a touch larger than my friend's silkie eggs. I just read a post not long ago saying orpingtons don't lay small eggs.

Is it safe to assume that if I got more orpingtons, the eggs would be larger in size?

They are a pinkish brown, just like shown on Buff Hooligan's Orpington page. So that part's right. Our girl has been broody twice and has gone through an official molt, so I was hoping they'd get bigger. Guess not.
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How old is she? How large is she? Young pullets lay sometimes lay small
eggs for a month or more.

My BO lays a nice size brown egg, not as HUGE as the Leghorns but big
My BOs are 2 to 3 years old and I still get large to xlarge eggs. I do have one that lays long eggs (Floppy does that, silly girl!)
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One reason that i got rid of my orphs was that their eggs stayed medium sized at best. It sounds like there are a lot of difference amoung the different orph lines. Mine were show bred for whatever difference, if any, that makes.
my orp girl lays medium eggs almost exclusively. they sometimes creep toward large, but just barely. she's not very big for an orp, so that seems reasonable to me. i have no idea if she came from a hatchery or how old she is or anything else, but she's past at least her first moult, so i don't expect her eggs will change at all.
Thanks everyone...took me a while to get back to this post.

My hen is just over a year old, and has been through a moult. She's also been broody and raised three chicks. Maybe it's a hormonal thing. She doesn't lay tons of eggs, either.

Interestingly, I got her from a big hatchery and she looks and acts very orpington, but her legs are yellow. I think she's a badly bred orpington. Her eggs are a pinky brown.

I'm thinking of getting more orpington chicks but from this time.
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