How can I keep my cockeral occupied?


Oct 7, 2017
We own a booted bantam. We didn't buy him, but got him from a neighbour.

When we first got him he was just a little bit older than a chick, and had gotten his leg stuck in the fence. He couldn't walk and his previous owner was going to 'neck him.' We took him to the vets and although he's doing so much better now, he will never walk properly again. He's currently on my back garden alone (so he's very attached to us) but he's crowing constantly. I know there's no real way to stop that, but I think he might be bored. I need something to entertain him so does anyone have any ideas?

Because he's so small, and we already own another cockeral that is easily twice his size I'm a little bit hasty about introducing him to the rest of the flock. He'd be an easy target, so if anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
Hello there! :frow He needs another chicken to hang around, chickens are flock animals and shouldn't be alone.
If possible, I would put some wire between him and the rest of the flock, give him plenty of water, food, and space. The flock can see but not touch him.

Worked with my flock, keep us posted; best wishes! :)
This is him, he's called Jesse


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