How can I tell a hawk in the sky?

if you have safe places for them like brush, trees, bushes, porches, their coop, etc where they can run and hide they will probably be ok. I'd get a dog like a collie that is great with poultry as well. Also my rooster is very alert and always is paying attention and letting his ladies know if there is danger.
Where I live we have hot springs all thoughout the canyon. We’re actually in a volcano crater. The ranchers that grow hay/alfalfa corn and potatoes have over the generations grazed their cattle over winter in their fields. There is always open water no matter the temperature. This little oasis in the desert is a mecca for migratory birds. All kinds, I love to watch birds. They feed in the corn fields get a drink rest...and most move on. We have raptors as small as kestrel’s to as large as bald eagles (to the north & south). I think folks that say they don’t have hawks just have not seen them. @Fishkeeper you have a great knowledge of raptors.
And great advice. Knowing the habits is so helpful. And Ravens lol the worst thing they’ve taken out of my backyard is a waffle! (Long story) I wouldn’t mind having them establishing a home in my yard. But if I tried I would get other birds that would attract predators. I used to feed wild birds but after my first year with chickens I stopped when I realized what I was doing. Best wishes
You have hawks that target crows? That's really rare. Crows are large, comparatively dangerous, highly intelligent prey, which mob hawks even more enthusiastically than most birds.
Sorry I realise my mistake, I'm meant to put starlings as well as blackbirds. Thank you for pointing out my mistake as I'd hate to mislead anyone into thinking something which is incorrect. We do have lots of crows around here and they congregate on the trees surrounding our garden but thankfully they don't give us any trouble nor ever land in our garden - the blackbirds often try to land in our garden but my chickens and ducks chase them away lol

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