How Can people be so Rude?!! Assimilation? Oh My!


12 Years
Mar 24, 2011
Ocala, Florida.
This is one of the comments on our local newspapers artical about keeping back yard chickens....I reported it this morning but it's still there...Oh my! talk about offensive and ignorant
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6:51 PM on June 18, 2011

First, third world immigrants who keep chickens running loose around their homes like they did back in the old country are absolutely ignorant about desease prevention or animal-cruelty laws. Second, who pays the bills for having this guy's chickens inspected for their health and public health issues? Tell this bum NO chickens! Assimilate into modern American culture or go back to his own primitive and ignorant country where he can keep his backwards arsed hispanic culture and do all the things there that we find offensive or deem illegal here in the USA. I'd rather we just deport these third worlders who resist change and assimilation and feel entitled to behave here as if they're living in their old failed and filthy country of origin.

......reminds me of the borg! "you will be assimilated! resistance is futile!"​
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wow they r some buttfaces dumb ignorant people, chickens always been in america and will always be in america, i hate ignorant cityslickers glad i raise chickens so i know where my stuff comes from even though I'm from the urban i feel superior to people who have no clue about their own darn food and they claim to be all smart cuzz they from the city, i'm from an urban town i know when to not open my mouth to speak ignorantly about other race and countries, i can't believe people r so stupid
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Well his person you are right talk about being ignorant & inflaming obviously uneducated I have not read such bigoted filth in years .
you got to wonder how they have survived this long without someone killing him.
But they are hardly worth the effort.
Lived in Naples a few years back, saw all kinds of chickens and peacocks being kept as well as pigs. Gotta love a nosey neighbor who apparently got ticked off at something someone did and decided to take it out on an entire family! It's good that the local government is looking into other avenues while suspending the investigation. I would assume that means this family can keep their flock until a determination is made?
Yes that is correct Heather! We have 1 more weeks repreive. I think Naples being collier county has different ordinances...most of the craigs list adds I see are from the golden gate area.
YIKES!!!! I wonder if that person is a product of our failed school system??? How sad to go through life with a closed and ignorant mind and not even know it. Hard to value an opinion like that. Big bully!

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