How cold is too cold for chicks?

They can go outside on nice warm days starting at a few weeks old. Watch for signs that they are getting cold, bunching together, loud peeping, etc.
It's best that their first outside adventures be in a confined area. Trust me, there's nothing harder than trying to round up a bunch of chicks. Fast little boogers.
If it's still around 75-80 in the day, they can get playtime in a ring of chicken wire (or similar "play-pen") with you watching...if they all bunch into a pile and sit down they are done...ready to go back in the brooder. We started that at about 2 wks old...they were nice and active and curious by then! You get really cute chicks in grass pics
I let mine out for short periods in a small 2' high fenced in area. when they started getting their feathers in a sunny location draft/wind free.
Thanks everyone for the info...I hope it will be warm when they reach a few weeks of age. That would be nice for them to get some exercise. Maybe I could set something up with a heatlamp outside for them if it's not warm enough.
Your last comment made me laugh, remembering two chickies I had to catch a few times. They zoom right past your feet, and nothing I could do to trap them in the corner. They are fast AND smart at an early age!

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