How dark are blue marans eggs?

I have had some hens who laid very dark brown ones similar to OHLD’s that a breeder friend gave me. Those along with the blue ones are favorites of my friends. When I sold eggs at a co-op a couple of years ago, my multicolored eggs always went first. But, I only have about 4 hens that still lay eggs now. Here is a thread to see what hatchery marans may lay, versus the breeder black copper marans, and see the last post for the color chart:
I have had some hens who laid very dark brown ones similar to OHLD’s that a breeder friend gave me. Those along with the blue ones are favorites of my friends. When I sold eggs at a co-op a couple of years ago, my multicolored eggs always went first. But, I only have about 4 hens that still lay eggs now. Here is a thread to see what hatchery marans may lay, versus the breeder black copper marans, and see the last post for the color chart:
Thanks so much!
I've had some that laid nice dark eggs but others that were no darker then my barred rocks eggs.
It is all going to be an individual bird or line deal.
Marans are not created equally.
Thanks! I think I’ll see if I can get 2 of them and if I don’t get a dark egg, I’ll be okay!
I have had some hens who laid very dark brown ones similar to OHLD’s that a breeder friend gave me. Those along with the blue ones are favorites of my friends. When I sold eggs at a co-op a couple of years ago, my multicolored eggs always went first. But, I only have about 4 hens that still lay eggs now. Here is a thread to see what hatchery marans may lay, versus the breeder black copper marans, and see the last post for the color chart:
Mine came from a hatchery and was supposed to be a blue Cochin. Surprise, surprise, she turned out to be a blue Marans. I think it was a nice mistake.
It is all going to be an individual bird or line deal.
Marans are not created equally.
This would be my exact thoughts.
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I would get both or neither.. too much risk bringing disease in for me. And if I had intentions of breeding, there are always things that pop which you didn't notice, if you plan to breed... split wing or accidents, plus I think integrating 2 birds is easier that one most the time... if nothing else to spread the pecking around.

If you have no intent of breeding and egg color is what you are aiming for, I still go with the same answer both or neither. Maybe you can keep the one you like the color and sell off the other... my starting bunch a while back.. Selection is required. I had a Welsummer that laid nicer than most of these. And a first generation olive egger that laid darker than all the Marans that came from that same breeder, but the comb or something else I can't was a give away.
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What color egg they hatched from could give you an idea. But what color egg the sire hatched from really has the most impact (he get's it from his mother and passes to daughters)... or in other words... the rooster matters... and one of my FBCM crossed to sex links hens put out offspring the females laid Marans colored eggs.

I do like Marans a lot, and the blue's are beautiful. I'm currently getting around 5 on this scale, sometimes 4...
Good luck, with your decision! :pop

Beautiful eggs old hen. :love

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