How did your chicken get it's name?

Please forgive my bad spelling!

Moe- Standard golden laced wyndotte- we got him and a hen before we could tell if he was a hen or a rooster and i thought they were both hens so i named them thelma and louise well louise didnt make it and thelma turned out to be a rooster so thelma became thelmoe and the was shortened to just moe.
Falcon- Bantam Silver duckwing rooster- when we got him as a baby he looked like a bald eagle and for some reason my bf came up with falcon.
Stella- Bantam White Splash Hen- She is the only one i didnt have a name for and my little cousin said name her luna stella roxanne and i said pick one name and he said stella.
Big Momma- Bantam Lemon Blue Hen- When we first got her it was her and two other chickens and she just seemed to mother them and grump at them when they were acting up.
Honey- Bantam golden Neck D'uccle- She was our first chicken and sh is the color of honey, easy enough right?
Cheep-Cheep-unknown breed rooster- He got his name because he never stopped cheeping even in his sleep, he was honeys love, unfortunatly a dog got him

Red-OE BB Red Hen- Another Easy one she is red so i call her red or red head.
Spike- OE BB Red Rooster- He is red's mate but when we got him his ackle feathers stuck straight out like a spike!
Emma-Black Brown Bantam hen- she is solid black with a green sheen to her feathers that is an emerald color so i shortened it to emma.

My other 2 stadards dont have names.....yet but they are a barred rock hen and a brown leghorn hen any ideas???????
I am new to chicken farming, so I tried to name them with part of their breed in the name so I could remember their breeds.

Rocky - Barred Rock
Lacey - Silver Laced Wyndotte
Road Runner- Road Island Red - My cat grabbed this one and tried running off with it when it was only 6 day's old - but my DH caught the cat and got her back!
Goldy - Golden Sex-link
Aussie - Black Australorp

I really enjoy Goldy - she is my smallest, friendliest and best layer of them all. She started laying at 19 weeks and lays really dark brown eggs almost every day.

Rocky and Aussie stopped laying in November. I hope they start again soon.

Lacey lays about every other day.

Road runner lays about 5 a week.

I really like Chicken Farming!
I have 17 chicksfrom Speckledhen that will be 7 weeks old Wed/Thursday this week- I have only named a few at this point:
Superchick got his name because Speckledhen and her DH glued him together at birth- he had some intestines spilling out of his navel. I will probably change his name to Superman in a few months.
Ultrasuede is a Suede and Smokey baby and is going to be a gorgeous blue orp- right now has big legs, medium comb compared to the16 Dellies he/she lives wit, still can't tell sex. The gang on the Delaware thread named him/her for me.
Buckshot- the one Dellie roo I have named because he "shoots' his ways across the brooder. He also "shoots" onto my arm or hand.
Cora and Alice- the two sweetest, quietest of the identified pullets- very ladylike and pretty so far.
Some of our chickens are named for our own enjoyment, as in, how funny would if be if we had a chicken named . . . Kaput.
Others, the name just fit for some reason, like Sally, our Lakenvelder, and Wooster the Rooster.
We knew Wooster was a rooster from the day he was hatched.
He came out from under his mom hours after he had hatched to protect his territory from his brother.
He's a really nice rooster, though. Ironically, he is now living in a bachelor coop with the same brother he tried to chase out of "his" nest, and they are inseparable!
Pele: Buff SILKIE red hot personality Goddess,leader
Papaya:little fruit,she was yellow SILKIE ,she is lavender now
Poi : a bit bland in personalitydull black and small in size SILKIE
Pacifica: big blue SILKIE like our Pacific Ocean
Puna:we had a neat grocery store in town called Puna Fresh,of which she is,SILKIE
Pahoa:eek:ut there ,a town stuck in the 60's ,way out there.........SILKIE
s for us to clean her feetand always wipes her beak ,acts like she is all that,SILKIE
Hillary - EE (deceased - first one my dachshund killed) She was the Head Pullet, bossy little thing.
Rhoda - RIR (deceased - 2nd one killed). Kind of a "Duh!" name.
Rebecca - originally thought she was a Plymouth Rock - Barred, and that sounded fairly New England-ish. She's really an EE.
Matilda - Australorp - think "Waltzing Matilda"
Buffy - Really it's because she's my Buff Orpington Vampire Slayer.

Greta - Black Sex-Link. Think "Garbo." Sexy.... it worked for me, anyway.

Bernadette - Cuckoo Marans - long story, suffice to say I knew a Bernadette once with a last name very similar to Marans, and she was Cuckoo!

Lacy - SLW. Yah, yah, coulda named her something more original. But I didn't.
Carly, errr Carl. EE cockeral. Kinda named for my sister, Carlanne, because I bought the chick a week after my sister died.
Sarah - Brown Leghorn (deceased - she got out of the run Christmas Day and went Free Ranging, directly in front of my danged dachshund).

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