How do I clean her

Morning :) ok going to call store to see if safeguard is in stock..our winter budget does tighten some..will have to get the other in summer months..technically could I dip in small bread..will look for syringes and cost. Is this why she is sick..she is sitting pretty in bathroom..gotta get tot off to pre-school...wakey wakey eggs and bakey
She is worse...she is alert and eating..mobility worse..not even trying to stand..I am really scared it might be something worse..worms can do this?
She is worse...she is alert and eating..mobility worse..not even trying to stand..I am really scared it might be something worse..worms can do this?
Describe her symptoms again as i have not read through all posts. Did she have lice/mites,b/c it didn't look like it in photo?

What is the issue with blood around vent area?
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She shows no desire to stand..sort of leans toward food to eat..I took her out to larger area..just sat..very pale around eyes..slight panting very slight..if had lice not much..did not look as bad as some pics..solid droppings in am..not as many segments as last be honest I fearing the big M :( there must be other reasons for husband showed me where the hatchet it..really :(
A.M poop pic..I did hear back to man who also bought from same poultry farm. He does not believe they have been vaccinated..He has had slightly problems with them (nothing too serious). Mareks free on his end :) hope the same is for me.
What did he mean by slight problems with birds? Panting is not good.

Yes,a parasite infestation can cause all sorts of issues. No injuries to legs/feet? Is she eating/drinking? How does the area around her vent look?

How long have you had her?
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No injuries. I got her at about 3 months old and have had her 5. She is eating and drinking. The pant is not constant here and there and light. The man did not name issues, just that nothing serious and has not gotten chicks from there in awhile..was very kind he responded so fast...I should still go ahead and safe guard her right..there is till Corid in her water..I do not want to over medicate if that is possible. Thank you so much..sooo much.
No injuries. I got her at about 3 months old and have had her 5. She is eating and drinking. The pant is not constant here and there and light. The man did not name issues, just that nothing serious and has not gotten chicks from there in awhile..was very kind he responded so fast...I should still go ahead and safe guard her right..there is till Corid in her water..I do not want to over medicate if that is possible. Thank you so much..sooo much.
I wouldn't do both together,but i am not a worm expert. I would definitely worm her,see if there is an improvement.
Called feed store..he has safeguard wormer for horses a paste..gonna go get it and will figure how to do it. He never heard of giving it to gosh what a mess..Pull through Bella :)

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