how do members become moderators?

To become a mod, I would guess that (1) maturity, (2) humility and (3) getting along with all people/working out differences well, would all be important.

People tend not to get along with or respect people who are (1) immature, (2)brag or (3) argue with others.

All our mods seem to carry these quailites quite well with the BYC public, obviously it is not something all people can do.

Although I am sure a Swiss bank account helps!
I don't think I have those qualities either. Even if I did, I wouldn't want the job. It's like why would anyone want to be president? I wouldn't want to carry that load.

Thank goodness they're are people who would be surgeons, dentists, morticians etc. and moderators !!
I think it would sort of ruin the fun. I mean a hobby is a wonderful thing until it becomes work... most times anyway.

Besides which I don't have the patience to deal with whiners, so that would leave me

HEY! I have an idea! Let's take a vote on who we want for Mod!

I vote for Hypnofrogstevie! He's so nice to everyone and helpful. And he's been a mod before. And he's on here all the time! It's easy to contact him. My vote is for Stevie!!!!!!!!
<--NOT MATURE!!!! Whew...thank heavens I finally admitted that. What a relief!!!

that's what makes you such a "happy" hen...would take all the fun out of it to have to grow up, lol!!​
I am totally addicted to this site. I am on here when ever I get a free minute.
I have all those fine qualities.
I would like to be a moderator one of these days. Would be a great experience and fun. Would have a better reason to be on the forum more. Would be working:D

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