How do you call your chickens

Aint gotta say a word.
Open the garage door and they come running looking for the treat that they know my wife is going to give them.

I have one RIR who pecks my foot until I pick her up and carry her around.

Ruby is her name.
"Here chick chick chick" works well for us as well as "C'mon girls!", but in most cases, we walk out the door and they come running (if they weren't at the sliding glass door already begging! SPOILED).
For my pet rooster, Chickie, I just call, "Chickie Poo, sweetie pie, Mama's home" and he comes a runnin.
For the others I say their name and add on "you want some worms?" and they come to me.
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You mean you actually have to call them??!

They hear my van coming 1/2 a mile down the freeway, and by the time I turn into the driveway there is a giant swarm of birds running, flapping, and flying at me! We have several that try to be first on our shoulders.

Same thing if we open the front door, the back door, the side door...... They are convinced that every time I appear I am carrying nectar of the Gods. Or overripe cucumbers.

I usually give an obligatory, "Here Chick Chick Chick!" when I am feeding them or locking up for the night, but it doesn't mean anything. They free-range all day long, and have feed at night, so they aren't starving.... they just think they are.
"chick-chick" brings 'em running every time. Lately, I've been trying to start the call with individual names first (like "Lola chick-chick") so they learn their names. It hasn't been working. They all come running no matter what. I think it's the association of any version of chick-chick with watermelon and corn cobs of their first summer. On the chance there is a treat, they don't want to be left out.
The kids and I have special noises or words for everything. Treats is TREATS they come running, I whistle when i want them out of the woods beyond our property and they come running. When it's time to head in for the night i clap my hands and say COOOOP and they all pile in one by one. If they wonder into the neighbors yard i say GIT and they run back to the yard, this method doesn't always work if there is good treats the neighbor put out for them but for the most part we have a great understanding
I start yelling "hi guuuyysssss" in a very high pitch noise..they hear me coming long before I do and they wait right at their gate for me-cause they know theres a few hand fulls of cracked corn everday ( to keep them busy while I give them fresh water and food)...

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