How do you count your chickens?

I count them by breeds. Lets say like 2 Orps 3 RIR, ect, ect.
I sorta of do that too.
In coop 2: I have 2 sister buff orps and one of their daughters, a buff easter egger. QI also have in that same pen: 4 easter eggers, 2 glw, one rir, and a sussex. It is an easy pen to count with only 11 girls. It is made even easier because the rooster with them rounds them up in the evenings. He's very appreciated.
Preferably before they hatch.

In all seriousness, I only have 3 hens and 2 chicks (currently in a brooder in my living room), so it's not too hard to keep track of them :gig
I'm at that point; I count before they hatched, because if they ALL hatch, I need a plan! 🐣🐥
I had 7 eggs in the incubator because I have 3 broody hens. I had to pull 2 yesterday, that didn't develop. So 5 due to hatch Saturday. I'll give them to my co-sitters, an orpington and a sussex, and buy some pullets for my other little hen, a cuckoo marans.
My oldest broody, a langshan, is raising 4 three week old tractor supply girls. She will be broody again in a few weeks.
I have two more fluffed up hens, a mother (prooven) and daughter(1st timer), that are considering going broody.
Now let's see, how many is that?🤪
Whenever my husband asks "does that hen have chicks?" I answer "hmm, no. I think those are blue jays."🤣
My birds have a free access door to the run 24/7. Planning on adding an automatic chicken door once my grandpa passes, since I'll actually have the time.

I just count, 1, 2, 3, 4, & so on.

Down to 61 birds, since I lost one due to heat stroke a couple days ago. (RIP, Big Buff Orpy)
My birds have a free access door to the run 24/7. Planning on adding an automatic chicken door once my grandpa passes, since I'll actually have the time.

I just count, 1, 2, 3, 4, & so on.

Down to 61 birds, since I lost one due to heat stroke a couple days ago. (RIP, Big Buff Orpy)
I'm sorry about your bird. I worry about heat strokes every summer. It gets so hot here and it is humid, so misters do not help. I have big barn fans and I put out ice to melt twice a day. I've lost one to heat and almost lost another last year but she pulled through.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather too.
I'm sorry about your bird. I worry about heat strokes every summer. It gets so hot here and it is humid, so misters do not help. I have big barn fans and I put out ice to melt twice a day. I've lost one to heat and almost lost another last year but she pulled through.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather too.
I miss my Orpington hen. I was gonna use her for breeding. I just put out a mini pool in their run, today.

My grandpa is fine, just stubborn. Just turned 87.
Meet #7
Last egg of seven set, 2 & 6 didn't develop, so 5 eggs are in the little Brinsea.
#7 is the 1st to hatch. Easter egger x dark brahma

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