How do you gather your eggs?

Ah eggs.... I remember eggs. Those were the good days! (hello winter)

I have two baskets - one with a handle for collecting eggs, and a larger bowl-type basket for the kitchen countertop where they sit until eaten. I keep the collecting basket in the basement where all my chicken stuff is (overalls and boots, feed, treats, etc.) To go out to the chickens, I have to go through the basement and put my gear on first, so I'll see the basket and remember to bring it out to the coop with me. When I come back in, I take it with me up to the kitchen to put the eggs in their countertop basket. Then I hang the collecting basket on the doorknob of the basement door (because I don't feel like going back downstairs to put it away). Then when I go see the chickens next, I have to go through the basement again so I'll see the hanging basket and bring it with me. This may sound complicated, but it's actually pretty lazy and straightforward. And it boils down to: leave things where you are likely to see them and not forget them.
My grandma always wore an apron around the farm. She would gather up the bottom and make a pouch to carry various things in it, including eggs. Very convenient.
I love this! ❤️ Mine did as well and was the inspiration for my purchase of this gathering apron on etsy.

Now if I could just remember to wear it while I am closer to the house than to the nest boxes.

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