how do you hatch your eggs from day 18 & on????

WVduckchick ours rocked for a while then stopped then rocked then stopped them bang there it was almost ready to come out!!!!!! Good luck!!!!! ours took 1 1/2 - 2 days after we stopped rotating to show us how cute it was!!!!!
Sorry for the delay. Sorry to say, zero for five. Day 23 I candled and saw no movement. Chipped into the one I had the lowest hope for and it was soupy and dead. Then chipped into the next one, appeared dead, so I sliced the membrane and it was alive! But I ruined it. I put it back in the bator and it died a few hours later.
I took the final 3 out on day 24 after they all showed no movement and sunk the float test.

Here's the kicker... I did eggtopsies, and they were all at different stages. One I think died at about day 13, the others between 17-19, so I think I had the humidity too high in the final days. But none smelled bad at all!

I bought the bator from a guy with the eggs already in it on day 12. Bad move! I honestly think the eggs were old and he didn't tell me. I'm afraid the last 3 were alive when I took them out and I let them die waiting for eggtopsy. I really don't know, but I learned alot!
The most developed chick may have hatched if I had waited. I don't know. But I'll know better in the future. :(
oh no I am so sorry to hear this... It is always so heartbreaking. We have done it before though... we candled them at day 23 and there was nothing no movement or anything so we opened them up and they were alive
and 2 of the 4 didn't make it.... we know now to leave them alone until at least day 25.... our first few hatches were horrible...... we tried "operation save a baby" and 90% of the eggs were soupy & nasty but never stunk. it is def a learning process.... this hatch was much much better.... We did 3 eggs as a trial run and out of the 3 we got 2 so we are def getting better at it..... I hope the next time you try to hatch u have much better luck & get some cute babies!!!!
Well that was part of my problem. I expected them out by Sunday or Monday, so I picked up some duck eggs that Saturday. When they weren't out by Wednesday, I was getting anxious for the duck eggs. Not the best way to learn, but I definitely won't do that again. Patience...
yes patience is best for sure.. even though it is very hard.. I wish you the best for your next round!!!!

our turkey is now 12 days old... and our chick is now 18 days old!!!
How do you hatch eggs naturally with momma sitting on them? It is day 22 and it should be anytime but no cracks in eggs like last time. We have done this before but it always seems like we are doing not enough or too much. We don't want to interfere but need to make sure all is well.


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