How early have your birds started laying?


9 Years
Apr 4, 2013
My 14 week old white leghorn started 4 days ago , pullet size eggs. Couldn't believe it cause my white rock stopped the same day. She was a egg a day and is one and a half years old, She layed a skin of a shell then nothing.
It sounds like she is getting read to lay, but what do I know? I have a "rooster" who is hopefully about to lay.
I am pleasantly surprised the the production reds that I bought at Tractor Supply at the end of March started laying a week ago! Heck, even the Cornish Rock hen has started laying! (She should be in the freezer, but I've taken a shine to Here was the biggest surprise... we're eating those eggs because they're small and selling the large eggs, last Sunday hubby cracked one into the skillet and it was a double yolk! I've NEVER had a pullet egg be double before! Then it got even weirder, I decided to scramble a few for myself. Cracked one into the bowl, and IT was a double yolk, too! We were marveling at that when I cracked the 3rd one...and it was also a double yolk! Three sets of twins in a row! I had several friends tell me that I'd best play the
my leghorns started at 17 weeks and 1 of my barred rocks started at 20 weeks usually don't see barred rocks lay until 24-28 weeks. I credit it to the different brand of grain im using this year.
This is my first time raising chickens. I have 3 Tetra Tints, 2 RIR and 1 New Hampshire that are all about 19 weeks. I also have 6 Leghorns that are approx. 17 weeks. Found a small, white eggs today for the first time. I am assuming it came from one of the 17 week leghorns.
What are you feeding them? I am trying a mash and I don't think they like it, but I think it might be they are now running free except for the evenings and they are just eating everything else.

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