OH MY I purchased an ornamental group of pullets and the sent me 16 females in April. WELL my husband and I would always crow like a rooster when we go out to the coop, don't ask me why, we just did, we are weird I guess. We went on vacation for 3 weeks and my daughter watched them while we were gone. While gone my daughter sends me a video of our "Annie" AND SHE/HE IS CROWING, DARN. We started getting eggs 2weeks ago, and today I let them out to free range and looked but NO EGGS, I clean ther water and get their feed, then decide to clean the coop, I open the door an Annie turned ANDREWS is in one of the nests, he gets off and THERE a IS A NICE WARM EGG!!!! I need to know DO HENS EVER CROW....I am pretty sure now my ANDREWS turned back into ANNIE??? POSSIBLES OR NOT???