How long did your bulb last?


11 Years
Jan 10, 2010
Vacationland, Maine
I bought a new 250 w red heat light right before my chicks arrived. It says on the box that it's good for 5000 hours. 5000/24 = 208 days. I figured the chicks would be inside about 5 weeks so I only bought the one bulb. Come to find out the bulb blew last night (and the brooder was 65 degrees this morning - chicks were all huddled up) while I was sleeping ... after only 12 days (less than 300 hrs) of use!!!
Is this normal, despite what the box says, or did I just get a bad bulb?
I woke up to the same thing this morning! Cancelled my plans to be able to be AT the feed store when they open.

My light was on its second batch of chicks though, its lasted about 6 weeks total. I think thats pretty good. I have had a few that burn out after only a few weeks.

My babies are under a regular 100watt bulb for the next couple hours.
My bulb did the same thing last night. I am planning on taking it back. I used my bulb mostly at night the last 2 weeks because I have not turned on my ac yet here in TN so my day time temp was well into the 80's. I got my bulb at the local co-op I will let you know what they say. For almost 9 dollars it should have lasted longer. I say take it back!
My "red heat bulbs" never last. I have gone to using standard 250W bulbs (like you would buy to use in the house) and they seem to last FOREVER!! Much cheaper too!

Occasionally, I find them at the "dollar store" for $1 each

Good luck
I must be lucky... I run a 250 red heat bulb in my coop almost all winter 24/7... I only had to replace it because it was on the same circuit as the goose tank heater and that kept tripping the circuit. After so many trips, the bulb quit working...

I wish I could find 125 red bulbs here for the chicks, but all they sell is the white, and I don't want a white light on them all the time.
I use a standered light bulb 90 watt spring and summer 100 watt winter so far on the one 90 watt I brooded out 2 sets getting ready to do another one since the feed store now hows the breed the DW wants I never have used the 250 watt bulbs although I do nknow that friends of mine that have used them say the red ones are junk....

As for the temps don't worry about what it says the chicks will tell you everything you need to know about the temps them huddled in the corner yes that is the norm all of my girls (boys) did it every night now the girls roost with the girls and the boys roost with the boys huddled up on the roost so it is all good no worries that is after all how they keep warm...

Good luck to you.
Yard full o' rocks :

My "red heat bulbs" never last. I have gone to using standard 250W bulbs (like you would buy to use in the house) and they seem to last FOREVER!! Much cheaper too!

Occasionally, I find them at the "dollar store" for $1 each

Good luck

Yes, me too. I think that humidity (such as a rainy day) causes them to blow before their time. I actually had one shatter all over the broody box one day. After then, I don't use them anymore.​
They have new heat light brands this year at Orsclens and let me tell you those lights stink,I bought 2 bulbs from 2 diffrent stores they blew in 2 days....Now im just using plan old 100 or 90 watt bulbs....
I learned long ago to always, but always have a spare bulb on hand. I swear the bulb in use seems to last longer when I've got a spare bulb. But should I find myself with just one bulb the dang thing will blow just as soon as it is the most inconvenient.

I'm having a hard time with ordinary old 100w bulbs. They've gotten harder to find and the ones I can get don't last as long as I remember them lasting in years past.

My brooder box is in an open bay of my workshop so I use a double bulb system. The power may go out, but other than that I've never had both bulbs blow at the same time. On the same day, yes, but not at the same time.


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