How long do chickens live for?(what the oldest chicken you've had?)

My oldest ones are my Standard white leghorn rooster and hen. Kernal and Krispy are turning 3 around the end of April and they are house birds. So who knows how long they will be here! I hope forever!

Oh they are so fun when they start laying My fav time is when they become broody. (No eggs for me) BUT they are so fun to go check on they growl and so hate to be bothered..LOL
Thats so ironic that you said that becouse thats what most broodys do but at my farm one of my next door neighbor hen started laying eggs in our barn and i have been using her as a substitute mother for some of the eggs from my bad mothering hens at the farm. I have been thinking to use her again the future becouse she has been so well behaved. she has even let me put eggs under her while she is broody. This is our little secret shhhhhh.

Oh they are so fun when they start laying My fav time is when they become broody. (No eggs for me) BUT they are so fun to go check on they growl and so hate to be bothered..LOL
I have 1 buff orpington and 2 silver laced wyandottes that are the only remaining hens from a batch of 42 chicks that arrived by mail on March 5, 2000. They just turned 10 yrs old. This past year quite a few of the hens from that batch have passed away. I have other hens that are only 2 yrs old and others that are 1 yr old but I love my old hens
I have a bunch of 4 years olds and one 7or 8 year old chicken. The oldest one I ever had was about 9. My 4 year olds still lay sometimes, but what they excell at is being broody....And they are Polish!

They are on regular layer feed and get to free range a couple times a week when someone is home. They don't run as fast as they used to but seem to be more aware of there surrondings. Its going to be a very sad day when they are gone.
My Black Star hen is coming up on 5 years old and still lays every day,only taking a day or two off every two weeks. She is fed regular layer feed and loves to free range.

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