How long do your turkeys live?

I picked up Tonto over 10 years ago. He was full grown when I got him. He is still healthy and going range in my yard. He's a bourbon red.
So how long are those good old toms good breeders? Frank (RP) is only a year and a half and we plan to keep him for a while, but just wondering when to switch to a new daddy.

Floyd here just turned 6 years old this month and he is starting to show his age.  He's a good old boy and I hate the thought of losing him./img/smilies/sad.png

At the risk of sounding like a complete dummy.... what's the average lifespan of a free range, well fed, well adjusted RP turkey?

Hi Floyd.. you're a beautiful tom.
They can live over 15 yrs, I have toms and hens that are 15+ yrs old. My birds are very tame, sweet and very very spoiled. Good luck

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