How long will a predator wait for a second attack


Aug 16, 2023
How long does a mink usually wait to come around again after a failed attack attempt (it injured one of my birds) it’s been about 4 days and no sign of the mink anymore, but i’m not sure how long predators usually wait around for.
No telling....could be today, tomorrow, or hopefully never.
Best bet is to keep your birds confined in a secure enclosure until you trap and kill the mink.
my ducks are fenced in (i’m always home and they are just out my window, maybe 15 feet away as i like to hear them and see them at all times) but i usually let my chickens free range (and lock them in at night of course) , would i have to stop doing that?
my ducks are fenced in (i’m always home and they are just out my window, maybe 15 feet away as i like to hear them and see them at all times) but i usually let my chickens free range (and lock them in at night of course) , would i have to stop doing that?
It's your decision to take those risks.
I only know that secure confinement is the only way to make sure nothing gets them.
Mink can move on with floods but set a cage to be safe. I'm having trouble with a mink seems to come back every 2/3 days. They could make a hole that you won't notice and spend days making it bigger until you notice or when it's too late
A mink will have a hard time catching a free ranged chicken, if it did get 1 that would be it most likely. The worst attack comes at night when the chickens are at roost and confined to a closed up coop, mink has no problem killing them all. Any hole in the coop over a 1" in Dia. should be plugged to keep weasels out and a mink can get in a hole the size of a tennis ball.

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