How many chickens? Roof extension

The thing that has always perplexed me about this A frames is roosting space. I don't see how you would get enough accessible roosting space in there. The 4/10 math says 32, but with the top 1/3 of the frame useless, you're getting maybe, MAYBE three linear feet per perlin for roosting bars, and even then, you either have to space them out so the birds can jump up from anywhere, or you have a traffic jam of them trying to walk an upper tunnel to space out. I can't see getting more than 15 birds in there for how I try to manage, but nobody said my way was right either.
What is your location?

The 4/10 thing is minimal....more may be needed in harsh winter climates.
Which is why I said "at least" ;) He did say he gets some harsh winters. I live in South Carolina, our winters get somewhat cold (down to 20F is common), but the days aren't usually that bad, and snow is a rare treat.
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