How many chicks hatched today!!!


7 Years
Sep 2, 2014
NE Ohio
My excitement for first hatched is crazy, please share photos of your hatching chicks/eggs and your newly bought chicks. Ready set GOOO!

I've got a thread up. 10 out of 10 hatched. 100% hatch rate!
My only pic from today:


Egg 10, the last to hatch. Now named little Kevin after my partner whose birthday he/she was born on. The rest hatched the day before, but egg 10 hung on.


I went to work as the hatch was in progress. When I got home I ran up the stairs and found these guys hatched


One of the little ones on the way to the brooder. He/she looked wet but was just a bt sticky!


The first batch of babies hatched, dried and in the brooder


They arent my first chicks but they are my first hatch. I've loved every single minute of it! Its been incredibly interesting and exciting watching them develop in the egg. I was so, so, so excited when I heard the first peeps from inside the incubator. I was also very lucky that from first pip to last out into the brooder was only a couple of days, and every egg hatched with no issues and i now have 10 healthy, happy little babies.

Its been amazing and I cant wait to do it again! Showgirls next time!
I've got a thread up. 10 out of 10 hatched. 100% hatch rate!
My only pic from today:


Egg 10, the last to hatch. Now named little Kevin after my partner whose birthday he/she was born on. The rest hatched the day before, but egg 10 hung on.


I went to work as the hatch was in progress. When I got home I ran up the stairs and found these guys hatched


One of the little ones on the way to the brooder. He/she looked wet but was just a bt sticky!


The first batch of babies hatched, dried and in the brooder


They arent my first chicks but they are my first hatch. I've loved every single minute of it! Its been incredibly interesting and exciting watching them develop in the egg. I was so, so, so excited when I heard the first peeps from inside the incubator. I was also very lucky that from first pip to last out into the brooder was only a couple of days, and every egg hatched with no issues and i now have 10 healthy, happy little babies.

Its been amazing and I cant wait to do it again! Showgirls next time!

So did little Kevin hatched day 22? 100% hatched that is amazing, congrats!
I had 21 eggs in the incubator and 17 of them hatched out Tuesday and Yesterday.

One chick died after 24 hours. Poor thing.

I got 3 chicks from my 4 LF Dark Cornish eggs. One of them needed a boot on it's foot.



And I have 13 Bantam Cochin/Chocolate Orpington chicks.

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