How many duck eggs did you EAT today?

I discovered today that the Swiss chard plants in my pallet-gardens have grown to a harvestable size. Any ideas what to do with Swiss-Chards and duck-eggs?
i like to
sauté Swiss chard with red onions, a little olive oil, then add some red wine vinegar after it’s cooked.
I don’t know that I would incorporate the eggs as mixed into it, but rather the eggs on the side, nice little heap of scrambled or a couple of boiled eggs and then a big pile of boiled and sliced red potatoes with butter and salt and pepper. Sounds like a yummy plate of food to me.
I harvested some of the Swiss-chard leaves today:
Chopped them up, sauteed them with some potatoes and ham and added four dux-eggs. Here is the result:

Yummy! - Not to myself: Plant more Swiss-Chard!
I discovered today that the Swiss chard plants in my pallet-gardens have grown to a harvestable size. Any ideas what to do with Swiss-Chards and duck-eggs?
I like to sauté a bunch of garden veggies like swiss chard, cabbage and other leafy greens, onions, chopped garlic etc and mix it with scrambled eggs. It's delicioso. 👌

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