How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6/6 yesterday and today!
Not that I am advertising at all. But, has anyone else used or seen the smartphone app called Eggspense? I downloaded it this weekend to try out. It allows you to enter # of eggs collected each day and any expenses like feed and shavings. It then creates a graph to show egg production trends. Also shows cost per egg, per dozen, total expenses, and total number of eggs collected to date. I was tracking eggs per day on a small calendar on my coop door. I sell eggs on a small scale and keep some for home use. After putting in all of the numbers I found I was losing money each week at the price per dozen.
Not that I am advertising at all. But, has anyone else used or seen the smartphone app called Eggspense? I downloaded it this weekend to try out. It allows you to enter # of eggs collected each day and any expenses like feed and shavings. It then creates a graph to show egg production trends. Also shows cost per egg, per dozen, total expenses, and total number of eggs collected to date. I was tracking eggs per day on a small calendar on my coop door. I sell eggs on a small scale and keep some for home use. After putting in all of the numbers I found I was losing money each week at the price per dozen.
I was using, but I switched to a good old fashioned paper chart.
Only 1/3 they were laying everyday. Now hit and miss. They are about 30 weeks. Could it be the shorter days? Anything we can do to get them going again?
Only 1/3 they were laying everyday. Now hit and miss. They are about 30 weeks. Could it be the shorter days? Anything we can do to get them going again?
shorter days could play a role. I think we're at about 13 1/2 hrs now. When it comes to that, you have two choices (both of which are perfectly acceptable, but tend to cause serious debate on here): Add light to bring the hours of light up to the minimum of 14 hrs or let nature do its thing and production will come up again in the spring.

For my hens (all going through various stages of molt) I got 2/5 from my current layers. Still waiting on eggs from 3 POL pullets.

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