How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yesterday - 12/17, 1/12

I'm thinking of culling the 12 that aren't producing so I can get a straight run of something... either Buffs or something unique (any suggestions?  I want something that lays brown eggs and is rare)
check out Wyandotte's they are beautiful and rare (in Indiana) anyway. They are great layers of brown eggs and very docile birds.
I have no number yet, but judging by the noise level and conflicts about who gets what box first, today will be a good day

lol, by 7:45 I already had one egg and one hen in the nest getting prepped and another making a lot of noise because someone was in the nest...Be glad when we get the new nesting boxes out there tomorrow...Right now they only have one or two spots to lay, with the additional 10 pullets I have that will start laying next month or so DH built a 12 box unit and I'm gonna put curtains on it today.. Hopefully it will cut down on the fighting for the "one" spot
lol, by 7:45 I already had one egg and one hen in the nest getting prepped and another making a lot of noise because someone was in the nest...Be glad when we get the new nesting boxes out there tomorrow...Right now they only have one or two spots to lay, with the additional 10 pullets I have that will start laying next month or so DH built a 12 box unit and I'm gonna put curtains on it today.. Hopefully it will cut down on the fighting for the "one" spot
Too funny! I went out to collect and Curly was in the good spot. She takes some time and lays a large egg. MJ decided to jump right in next to her and the both ended up laying an egg at the same time!
Too funny! I went out to collect and Curly was in the good spot. She takes some time and lays a large egg. MJ decided to jump right in next to her and the both ended up laying an egg at the same time!

LOL, I have that happen with my Australorps, they will all squeeze into one, but the others wont, they will sit there and scream bloody murder or find another place, I have been leaving the door open to the rabbit enclosure just so the wiggy one's who don't like to share have a place to go.. (its where we keep the hay)
I've got the time down when she lays and catch her in the act...

Excuse the poop pile on the bucket
I haven't been able to clean up the past few days, due to the sub zero temps.
At least it's not in the bucket.



I managed to get the coop cleaned out this afternoon. I should have taken the pic after that... Lol
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