How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Although when I first looked at the nest box, I saw none, but the bedding was a little dis shuffled, so I reach in to spread it out a little and make it more cozy, and there it was buried under the material...
2/6 very pitiful day in the nesting box! its been doing down hill all week. Hopefully this is the low and its back on the rise tomorrow.
4 eggs out of my 4 girls! I don't even have a heat lamp, and it is all cold and snowy outside. I got good eggs, too.
Moved a few hens around to different coops today. Out of 51 hens in my main coop now, 29 eggs. 3/3 in my Silkie coop, one in my Polish Coop, and my only hen (old enough to lay) in my Blue/Buff Orp coop is giving me one every other day. My 2 Lavender Orp hens might be getting a bit too old.... no eggs in 10 days. I need to replace them. I think my bantam Polish ladies might be a little too young yet - we will see!

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