How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2/15 again today - still waiting to break the 3+ mark -- *but* DS is convinced that egg #2 from today is from a new girl, so we will be having a nest box stake out over the weekend to see just who is/isn't playing the new game ---
Oh, and we reached our first dozen mark today -- DS (my partner in this whole chicken thing) wouldn't let us eat any of them until we filled a carton, so this weekend we finally get to crack some open!!!
I got my first egg today!! WHOO Hoo!! I wish I knew who layed it but oh well!!

Alright there is nothing like finding that first egg Congratulations

First egg! I think it's from a 17 week old leg'ern but not sure.

What I think (thought?) is a young roo exited the coop doing an egg laying call and one of my white leghorns answered and they called back and forth.

It this how chickens behave when one lays an egg, two calling back and forth?
Right on an egg at 17 weeks you are doing something right Congratulations
Yeaah, unless you're running a business, you probably don't want to know your cost per egg!

Well, it's fun to calculate it anyway. And you can always reverse the thought, I mean how often do you enjoy a 120 euro omelet?

2 eggs today again, still hoping for the last Alho, the EE and the Marans to come on line any day now. The SS is still months away from laying. And Veera, our first layer, is showing stronger signs of going broody every day, today she was sitting on Viiru's egg when I went to collect. I hope I get this broodyness broken, she's a great layer otherwise, today was her eleventh day in a row.

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