How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4/8 yesterday...3/8 today...

Have one little red hen (banty RIR) that has only laid 2 eggs. She laid the first about 2 weeks ago then another a few days later, and nothing since. Wish she'd get with the program! Had 2 nesting boxes for 8 hens. They take all of the straw out of one of the boxes and make the nest in one box. I get all of the eggs in one box. I replace the straw, they move it! So, I added another box, put straw in all three and fake eggs in the new box and the old one they didn't use. We will see....
A big fat 0 out of 4 today. I think the shorter days and a tad bit cooler weather is taking a toll on my girls egg production. Hopefully that means I'll get 4 tomorrow!
Still just getting the one egg per day. Only two are sitting in the nest anymore, but the other two haven't resumed production yet. And the sixth still hasn't laid it's first egg at almost 25 weeks.

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