How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 per day... 4 hens laying ... 4/day every day except Fridays, in which I get three... One of the BR's takes Fridays off every week!
4/4 today! After yesterdays big fat 0 I am glad they all laid today. 3 laid this morning and 1 waited till this afternoon so I wonder if she won't lay tomorrow! :/ The shorter days are not looking too promising for lots of eggs.

Also the chicken that has been laying the longest (2 months now) still has the smallest eggs, hers are only Peewee size according to the chart I found. They have s.l.o.w.l.y gotten a tad bit bigger and the ones she has laid for the past 2 weeks have all been about 40g. She was laying 4-5 days in a row with 1 day break in between and then all of a sudden she's been laying like 1-2 days with a day break. Today her egg was only 38g :/ I am so confused at why her egg was smaller today and why her production has dropped significantly when she was doing so well. Could the shorter days and cooler weather really affect her that much... is she not getting enough food as the other 3 who have only recently started laying are eating more and maybe blocking her from the food?? Should I even be concerned?
5 Chicken egg's today

Must be slowing down due to the cooling of as it was only 99 F degrees most of the day

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