How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

that's awesome, your granddaughter is so smart and knows so much about chickens! I'm still learning chicken stuff so clear me up... you have to replace the eggs because while they may have been fertile they were refrigerated and can't hatch anymore right? Good luck with it, I hope it all works out. I am looking to hatch some eggs in the spring but I doubt I'll get a broody so I'll have to incubate them myself.
I don't know how long refrigerated eggs remain viable, Renee, because I'm still so new to all of this, so rather than risk it we just ordered some. I sure would hate for her to be disappointed and didn't have the heart, after all she'd done to provide Agatha with a family, to tell her that all that work was probably for nothing. So better go with a sure thing than have dud eggs under her chicken.

She is smart - and I am constantly surprised by her chicken knowledge. Most of what she knows she's overheard - and she likes to spend time looking through my chicken magazine. I wish I could have seen her mom's face when Jenny explained so carefully that Aggie just wanted to hatch some eggs, and Katie piped up with that "Great, Agatha's gone broody...." response. Jenny was absolutely stunned that Katie knew that!

Alright a 100% day 9 chicken egg's ......

It was 98 F degrees today with some strong winds and strong enough to blow around a 5 ft tall flag it was nice to hear it snapping in the wind all day .........

I guess the lady's are getting use to the freezing cold Fall weather ........
I hope you guys remember the story of my 8 year old granddaughter Katie and her chicken, Agatha.  Just in case, Agatha went broody while Ken and I were in Jackson and Katie was afraid that Aggie died in the nest until her mom called and I told her what was going on.  Jenny explained it 'delicately" to Katie, who then lamented, "Oh, great!  Agatha's gone broody and Gramma doesn't have a rooster so the eggs aren't fertile."  Then she moved Agatha off the nest, took out the 2 Marans' eggs from under her, and replaced the wooden egg, commenting that if Agatha tried to hatch that she'd just end up with splinters in her hiney.

Well, Ken and I were out of town Wednesday for our oldest granddaughter's wedding on Saturday and Katie and mom were in charge again.  We got home on Monday and all the chicken chores had been done so Tuesday evening after we got home I went out to check everything.  I heard the gate open and  Katie called to me, "Gramma, are you in the coop?"

She poked her head in and the look on her face was total disappointment.  She said she'd wanted me to wait for her before I went out to the coop so she could show me her surprise.  Seems she remembered that when I had 19 chickens and one roo the eggs were coming fast, so I stored a few cartons in the little used garage fridge.  She went out to the garage, selected 9 eggs (because 9 seemed like a nice chicken family size) and brought them into the house to warm up for a day or so.  Then she rousted Agatha off the nest and stuck those eggs under her. She told me that when Agatha came back in and saw all of those eggs she was so happy because she'd able to raise a family.

She was so earnest and proud while she was tellling me all of this - she told me that the eggs said they were laid in July (okay, so I really spaced that they were in there!) and since we had roosters then the eggs must be fertile.  I praised her to high heaven because she'd been worried about her chicken, she'd thought about a solution to the problem and then handled it herself.  And she's right, Agatha has never been happier - or broodier!

So we just ordered some fertile eggs and they'll be here tomorrow.  I just hope she doesn't notice that the color assortment won't be the same as what she slipped under Agatha, but maybe I can keep her from seeing Agatha off the nest.

Our egg count is about to go up.

Really enjoyed that story, Blooie. Sometimes our children/ grandchildren can be such a blessing in our lives. And their minds and hearts just "keep going and going..."


Good news: We have a new egg layer. I think it might me Miss Sassy's (OEGB) but it seems huge for her). Nice creamy white.

Bad news (not really): I have no idea who this egg belongs to. It's been raining all day and everyone was inside including that dang rooster so I didn't go out first thing this morning to collect. Isn't that always the way?

The cream one has a bit of calcium buildup on one end too.

Angel didn't lay hers again today. Oops she just did. (edit)
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