How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11 today,
But on a sad note, I lost 2 hens today. At least I now know how/why. My neighbor saw a dog get one. I talked to another neighbor who said he has seen a pack of 3 dogs around lately. My husband, daughter & I were all home & none of us heard anything. Our 5 month old puppy didn't sound an alarm either (she was inside with us). I 've lost 5 hens in about 2 months, 3 of them in a 7 or 8 day period. I don't think they have all been from the same predator. The most recent 3 hens all disappeared without a trace ( I think the dogs probably got all 3 of them). 2 others were killed in the chicken yard around predawn and were left there when I startled whatever it was (it was still too dark to see). The first hen to go disappeared but left behind a huge circle of feathers.
My girls will be spending the next few days/ weeks in the coop until I can figure out a better plan. I believe the 2 today were caught while free ranging in the woods or in the yard but outside the fence.
Now my total chicken count is hens of laying age 17, 2 roosters, & 2 youngsters around 2 months old.
11 today,
But on a sad note, I lost 2 hens today. At least I now know how/why. My neighbor saw a dog get one. I talked to another neighbor who said he has seen a pack of 3 dogs around lately. My husband, daughter & I were all home & none of us heard anything. Our 5 month old puppy didn't sound an alarm either (she was inside with us). I 've lost 5 hens in about 2 months, 3 of them in a 7 or 8 day period. I don't think they have all been from the same predator. The most recent 3 hens all disappeared without a trace ( I think the dogs probably got all 3 of them). 2 others were killed in the chicken yard around predawn and were left there when I startled whatever it was (it was still too dark to see). The first hen to go disappeared but left behind a huge circle of feathers.
My girls will be spending the next few days/ weeks in the coop until I can figure out a better plan. I believe the 2 today were caught while free ranging in the woods or in the yard but outside the fence.
Now my total chicken count is hens of laying age 17, 2 roosters, & 2 youngsters around 2 months old.
A pack of dogs killed all of my neighbor's alpacas. They are very dangerous. They had to install a 5 foot tall no climb mesh fence with 4 strands of electric tape on the outside to keep the dogs out. I hope you can get rid of your dog pack.
Missing one egg today, she has been consistent almost from day one. She earned a break.

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