How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

10! Even though it's freezing in the coop the humidity is down, the chickens are happy and just doing their thing.
If I didn't know better, I would think I had a broody out there. She is always in the box in the afternoon smashed down flat but no egg. She's only been laying for a month or two. She's not even 10 mos old yet. Am I missing something?

Not missing anything, we have broody girl and she has been since November, she was 8 months when she went broody. My understanding is some breeds are more likely to turn broody than others. Ours is a Dark Cornish and from what I have been hearing from other Dark Cornish owners is they go broody often. The positive is guess they are great for setting and hatching and are very protective good moms. We have five in our flock,we will use the broodies for hatching in the spring.

Yesterday's total 14/23
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Today I got 3 eggs from 3 chickens. Some days I get 1 or 2, once in a great while I get none, but considering it is the dead of winter and they get no supplemental light, I'm happy. One day last week I got FOUR from 3 chickens. Now how the heck does that happen?

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