How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My Golden Comets hatched in July, (1 roo and 7 hens) some started laying 22 December, 2014. It has been a cold winter for them, but my hens lay about 4 to 6 eggs daily. I use one infrared 75 watt heater on days below 15, and a 60 watt light on a timer to add couple hours of light each morning. Today is 3 February, 2015. They are doing well, for young birds.
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they must really not have liked the snowstorm
We got 6 for 6 today, been that way for the past month. The girls are 10 months old. We do supervised free ranging fro about 1/2 hour a day and I think that helps. My other friends whom do not do this have less yield. Anyone else witness this correlation?
We got 6 for 6 today, been that way for the past month. The girls are 10 months old. We do supervised free ranging fro about 1/2 hour a day and I think that helps. My other friends whom do not do this have less yield. Anyone else witness this correlation?
Not me...mine free range all day and I have yet to have all my girls lay
(at least not all on the same day) lol Glad your girls are laying so nice for you.
What breeds do you have?
Thanks Jes, they really are very kind to us and we're not really sure what we are doing right or wrong but are trying to stay very consistent with them in terms of attention, diet, food availability and low stress. The chickens we have are Red Cross. They are all really gentle and not skittish at all, don't mind us humans at all. They all follow me around the yard so I lead them to the clover patches that they clean up for me. Anytime we are outside the girls are let out of their run. Never an issue of getting them back in with minimal coaxing, just need to give them at least 15 minutes to get their legs stretched. Everyone in the family says hello and goodbye to them when we enter or leave the driveway. Feeling truly blessed.
That's interesting! If I ever decide to sell my eggs rather than just give them away to my friends and family, looks like I might need to do some research.
Until then, we are all having fun playing backyard chicken keeper and don't really care. We just think it's cool to get our eggs from somewhere other than the supermarket.
I have 10 girls who lay (I have to more that haven't started yet) and I only got 3 eggs today. The weather really dropped out here though so they are all mad. Lol! I found a duck egg IN the pond.
There are now 7 eggs in the pond. Just out of reach.

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