How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have a RIR that used to lay in the nesting box and she would lay very consistently. The past week and a half she is not laying in the nesting boxes anymore. Instead she's doing it outside. I can't find where; I've looked but we have no fences and lots of yard "collections". Basically it's like finding a needle in a haystack. I know she is still laying because for two days I kept her locked in the coop and run Until she laid and then let her out. But today I didn't keep her locked in and she layed elsewhere. I would keep my chickens locked in all day long but my current coop and run are very small and they hate it. When I don't let them out they jump up and down and peck all over the run looking for a way out. P.s- we are currently building an 8x14' coop with a 10x14' run

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