How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Only a couple more months and then my brahmas will be pumping out eggs left and right!!!!!
I gave 11 hens. Today I got 100% plus one. So that is 12 eggs. I figure that one of the hens laid yesterday after I gathered the eggs.
3 eggs! 3 lonely eggs out of 9/+Scout+Littles+Tinys! Are you serious right now, chickens???? Somebody's going to get into big trouble around here at Oleo Acres!! Well, I should add that one of the EE eggs was gi-normous!! The jumbo egg it's in with looks small in comparison. So should I count that one as 2? It's got 2 yolks, after all!
That's 10 eggs from 13 laying (of 19 hens....yes, I now have SIX broody hens
) and (7) 9 week old (pullets?).
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