How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I am at 5 of 16 so far but a bit early did some rearranging yesterday setting a top row of nesting boxes on the floor. I also have half the brahmas not quite old enough along with the new 3
My chickens love the cracked corn or scratch grains. I keep their feeder full of layer pellets and another feeder with layer crumbers. And give the scratch in a feed bowl as treat. But they act like they would rather have just scratch. Is this ok?
No, it's nnot ok. It's like letting your kids eat junk food & candy all day instead of making them eat healthy food with an occasional treat thrown in.
6 eggs so far. That will probably be it for the day. Sunny but cold. Glad for the sun,maybe some of the hens that have stopped will start again.

Got 1 more, so that makes it 7 eggs for today.
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I miss my bantam EE eggs, green with black specks. Eh, time to bundle up and go see if there are any eggs today or not.-4 currently and -20 for the evening. How much longer till spring and bike weather?
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