How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Your hanging in there with the good egg count but how are the hatches going
3 for 3 today. They were mad though as I would not let them free range until Patsy had laid her egg. Daisy and Lilly were bawking at me for quite some time until Patsy was done.
@ umarson, been busy as all get out here too but
not like work. my Mother 78 has been ill and been allot of running
the hospital is a 50 mile drive one way. good part she is getting
stronger and will going to a nursing rehab for a month close
by us.
egg count 5/5 16 pullets too young
11 eggs
7 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free range chickens
them creatures keep moving on me and I have to play Easter every day

84F degrees with light winds

I thank I am going to try out raising my own Thanksgiving dinner this year the person at the feed store said this turkey was only 12 days old but I thank he was wrong ....

But it seems to get along with the chicks
Another nice egg count day! Good luck with the Turkey! Let me know how it goes. I've thought about raising a turkey or 2, but have resisted so far..

18 eggs today!!

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