How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


10 eggs

6 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free ranging chickens

78F degrees till noon then the wind picked up and went till 2100 hrs 9PM, and I spent the rest of the night picking up cages but the big pen I am building stood strong so I was happy as other objects were tossed all over in the winds and even some tiles were blown off the shed's roof so I will defiantly need to fix that before it rains again ...

When I got back home from town I found this in the incubator chirping away

I have been working with my Spangled Russian Orloff's for several years now and I think I've finally started getting what I want and this is how my pullets are looking

I had to put this pullet in the barn for several days to let her calm down so I could take her picture and she is still not waiting in any place long enough for me to get a decent picture of decent quality to show off her spangling but her feather texture is just awesomely smooth like some kind of heavy silk now if she fills out with a full white beard next year it will make her next to perfect

It always makes one happy like me when they can see their breeding program finally working the way they would like

Alright everyone enjoy the weekend


10 eggs

6 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free ranging chickens

78F degrees till noon then the wind picked up and went till 2100 hrs 9PM, and I spent the rest of the night picking up cages but the big pen I am building stood strong so I was happy as other objects were tossed all over in the winds and even some tiles were blown off the shed's roof so I will defiantly need to fix that before it rains again ...

When I got back home from town I found this in the incubator chirping away

I have been working with my Spangled Russian Orloff's for several years now and I think I've finally started getting what I want and this is how my pullets are looking

I had to put this pullet in the barn for several days to let her calm down so I could take her picture and she is still not waiting in any place long enough for me to get a decent picture of decent quality to show off her spangling but her feather texture is just awesomely smooth like some kind of heavy silk now if she fills out with a full white beard next year it will make her next to perfect

It always makes one happy like me when they can see their breeding program finally working the way they would like

Alright everyone enjoy the weekend

Good morning @ gander007. I am off to a rough start here in St. Louis. The weather is beautiful, but I woke up this morning to find that something had gotten into 1 of my pens. I lost 1 white leghorn hen & 1 Black Penedesenca rooster. Both are missing their heads, necks & internal organs. Nothing show signs of forced entry so whatever it was was small enough to get in the spaces of the field fence (some of the openings about half way up are about 2inch X 2inch( so pretty big in terms of animal access). I am wondering if it was that ferret ( or possibly weasel) that I saw a while back. The other 2 white leghorn hens & the black penedesenca hen were not harmed. But they are pretty spooked!

I do have 15 Black Penedesenca eggs ( mostly sired by that rooster & the unharmed Black Pene hen) on day 9 in the incubator. I also have another Black Penedesenca hen & rooster (the 2 that had been battling lice) in a separate pen. Once I reinforce the attacked coop & recheck the 2 for lice( hoping they are lice free!) I will put those 2 in with the 3 hens that were not harmed.
@ umarson, been busy as all get out here too but
not like work. my Mother 78 has been ill and been allot of running
the hospital is a 50 mile drive one way. good part she is getting
stronger and will going to a nursing rehab for a month close
by us.
egg count 5/5 16 pullets too young

She's in my prayers penny.
3 out of 3 yesterday and 3 out of 3 today. I introduced my Buff Orpington pullet to the flock this morning (after 4 weeks in their cage, separated) and it went as well as could be expected. A little pecking and a lot of running, but no blood shed. Let's just say its a work in progress.
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