How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Got 3 out of 5 hens, I have lost several hens but got some more and building my flock back up, should have 19 hens when my chicks mature. But you know you It's hard to be 100% when sexing baby chicks. That will leave me with 19 hens, and 2 roosters.
15 eggs today. Spent most of the day visiting with my mom at the hospital. They put her in the heart hospital because they said her heart rate is too high. They are still thinking it's a UTI (even though that's what they said a month ago! and she's been on antibiotics several weeks). They are doing a culture to be sure.

8 eggs

4 eggs from the control group

4 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 78F degrees nice but it was windy all day but better then burning up all day

Sold two of the chicks that I just hatched, it is nice to be doing business and I got some scratch in return ya feed is always a good trade .

Bob Cat came by last night and I was not armed I was just unable to sleep at 3:30 this morning so I was doing a check of the yard as the geese were not making any noise and the roosters were not making any noise ether .

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend .

15 eggs today. Spent most of the day visiting with my mom at the hospital. They put her in the heart hospital because they said her heart rate is too high. They are still thinking it's a UTI (even though that's what they said a month ago! and she's been on antibiotics several weeks). They are doing a culture to be sure.

Hope everything goes well for her ..

God bless .

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