How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

20/28, temp today is 93* very humid
6 from 9
Special 24% protein feed, treats,scraps,peelings from peaches and frozen green beans were enjoyed by all. Happy Friday
I am now down to 1 cockerel and we are the proud new parents of a snowball

oh I had 10 for today maybe none tomorrow after the rodeo catching the other two cockerels
running hiding among 18 hens

Some of the chicks hatched from pink eggs. My Ameraucana is white/gray.

I would love to see pics of your ameraucana!

I hear ya.  My Mom has been in a Nursing home for quite a while now.  Then she was back in the hospital with Pneumonia.  After 6 days she went back to the nursing home.  The doctor at the hospital told my Dad that her body is just worn out & that she is to weak to even do physical therapy. However, she is doing it anyway.  Her big accomplishment yesterday was being up to stand on her own for 1 minute.  She did it twice.  She has good days & she has really bad days ( when you aren't sure she will even make it through the day).  

I think of you often while I am helping with my Mom.

Ditto.. it is awful to see her this way she hates being there
and cannot understand why she can't go home

Praying for you both and your families I hope you don't mind. We had to place my Grandpa in a facility last December for Alzheimer's. I've helped be his care taker and I lived with my grandparents for 4 years before moving in with my future husband. Watching Grandpa decline has been heartbreaking as he basically replace my father when I was a child.

He is less and less lucid but he can still come to family get togethers. Things are declining more rapidly now and I fear he will not live to see my wedding in another year or two by the time we have enough saved.

The facility is wonderful only 8 dementia/Alzheimer's patients are cared for there the rest of the facility is assisted living. We are very blessed to have found such a place. Grandpa is cared for very well.

Sending hugs and prayers to the both of you.
Well we have gotten four eggs so far today including the second for sure egg from our Easter hatch chick, Super Chick. We may have one older chick laying and I believe we do but I can not confirm it so I won't claim it.

Either way the spring chickens are beginning to lay and I'm so proud!!! We also found a hidden nest that helps to explain our recent complete lack of eggs although not entirely as the seem to all be bantam eggs or blue and green eggs.

Not knowing the age of them they were all thrown. Never have I seen so many EE eggs lol. I did not count them as I was too short to reach them and some got broken while being grabbed. No development so no worries.
I just found about a dozen eggs laid by my girl, Janice, under a leaning piece of wood. Should i trust them or toss them??? It has been in the 90s, rained a couple times...i heard or read if they float in a cup of water, they are bad...would that apply here??

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