How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Have not even made it out to the chickens this morning
next on the list had to take care of things making payments
this morning and other lists concerning Mom that was recently
placed in a assisted living home for dementia
I hear ya. My Mom has been in a Nursing home for quite a while now. Then she was back in the hospital with Pneumonia. After 6 days she went back to the nursing home. The doctor at the hospital told my Dad that her body is just worn out & that she is to weak to even do physical therapy. However, she is doing it anyway. Her big accomplishment yesterday was being up to stand on her own for 1 minute. She did it twice. She has good days & she has really bad days ( when you aren't sure she will even make it through the day).

I think of you often while I am helping with my Mom.
Just curious when do you all go to collect your eggs? Or what would you say the best time is? I usually check between noon and two and find some.
When school is in session (I'm a teacher) I check when I get home, usually around 3 or 4. In the summer, I usually check in the evening, sometimes not until I go to close them up for the night.
There is no right or wrong time, it's whatever works for you.
Ditto.. it is awful to see her this way she hates being there
and cannot understand why she can't go home
Yes, it has to be hard especially when she doesn't understand. My Mom at least understands why she is at the nursing home, but she still doesn't like it! I honestly don't think she will ever get to go back home ( except maybe for a visit for a few hours, and that wears her out for 3 days afterwards. We've only done it once.).

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