How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2/8 again. Proud of my 2 layers, they have only taken 1 day off since starting a week ago. I have 2 more that are squatting, so hopefully increasing my ratio soon

So proud of my new layers! I only have 2 laying, one started last Friday and the other on Tuesday, but this (Plus 1 more that we ate because my 1.5 year old plunked it hard in the basket and it cracked) is my bounty in 1week from just those two!!!
I can't wait for the other 6 to catch up (well, 4 really, we are rehoming 2 this weekend due to zoning and space - never expected all 8 to live AND be pullets
Starting to track laying for my birds now. This week they are 6 mo old.

Last 7 days:
BSL 7/7
Speck Sussex 6/7
Moddled Java 5/7

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