How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

well lets see bakers dozen yesterday of 18 + 2 home grown Olive eggers
who all saw snow for the first time and would not leave the coop

Chicken eggs 9, yep I found the new nest to day I can only guess the girls decided to get a more comfortable hiding place .

Temp Low 60F in the day and down to 39F at night


I sure hope everything is going smoothly ....
Unfortunately, not to much. My Mom fell today when she was with the home nurse. Said she just fell over backwards and landed on her bottom. She bruised her tailbone and elbow for sure. This has made it very painful for her to sit. I don't blame the nurse, my Mom was in the restroom. She said the nurse "hovered" over her the rest of the time she was there. Mom is hardly eating and is getting weaker every day. Dad is still in the hospital, congestive heart failure is what I think they have decided on. Also, his kidneys & liver are not functioning at the level they want them to be. He is suppose to do a treadmill test tomorrow and then he thinks he will be coming home. We'll see what the doctors have to say.

I was able to stop by my house today. My hubby has been taking care of the chickens. He said everything was great, but when I went out to check on them, before I headed back to my Mom's, I found all 4 of my meat chickens dead in the yard!
All I found of 1 of them was it's wings. He doesn't know what happened. I had been keeping all the girls cooped up because of all the loses I've had to hawks recently, but he was letting them out. I did not think the meaties could get out of the enclosure I had them in, so I don't know if something got in there & scared them enough to get them motivated enough to get out of the opening at the top or what. In the end, it doesn't really matter. The outcome remains the same. None of them were in any shape to salvage, plus I don't know how long they had been dead, so they got buried in the garden. Expensive fertilizer.

I did get a lot of eggs. He said he had been collecting them, but I think he was only getting them out of 1 coop. Also, I finally found some eggs in the EE coop
, unfortunately, they were broken. It looked like they had frozen and cracked.
In the 3rd coop I found 8 white eggs (there are only 2 white egg layers in that coop!).

It's been a hectic few days, and it isn't over yet.
Unfortunately, not to much. My Mom fell today when she was with the home nurse. Said she just fell over backwards and landed on her bottom. She bruised her tailbone and elbow for sure. This has made it very painful for her to sit. I don't blame the nurse, my Mom was in the restroom. She said the nurse "hovered" over her the rest of the time she was there. Mom is hardly eating and is getting weaker every day. Dad is still in the hospital, congestive heart failure is what I think they have decided on. Also, his kidneys & liver are not functioning at the level they want them to be. He is suppose to do a treadmill test tomorrow and then he thinks he will be coming home. We'll see what the doctors have to say.

I was able to stop by my house today. My hubby has been taking care of the chickens. He said everything was great, but when I went out to check on them, before I headed back to my Mom's, I found all 4 of my meat chickens dead in the yard!
All I found of 1 of them was it's wings. He doesn't know what happened. I had been keeping all the girls cooped up because of all the loses I've had to hawks recently, but he was letting them out. I did not think the meaties could get out of the enclosure I had them in, so I don't know if something got in there & scared them enough to get them motivated enough to get out of the opening at the top or what. In the end, it doesn't really matter. The outcome remains the same. None of them were in any shape to salvage, plus I don't know how long they had been dead, so they got buried in the garden. Expensive fertilizer.

I did get a lot of eggs. He said he had been collecting them, but I think he was only getting them out of 1 coop. Also, I finally found some eggs in the EE coop
, unfortunately, they were broken. It looked like they had frozen and cracked.
In the 3rd coop I found 8 white eggs (there are only 2 white egg layers in that coop!).

It's been a hectic few days, and it isn't over yet.

I am so sorry about the birds it all seems like too much at times I know
Unfortunately, not to much.  My Mom fell today when she was with the home nurse.  Said she just fell over backwards and landed on her bottom.  She bruised her tailbone and elbow for sure.  This has made it very painful for her to sit.  I don't blame the nurse, my Mom was in the restroom.  She said the nurse "hovered" over her the rest of the time she was there.  Mom is hardly eating and is getting weaker every day. Dad is still in the hospital, congestive heart failure is what I think they have decided on.  Also, his kidneys & liver are not functioning at the level they want them to be.  He is suppose to do a treadmill test tomorrow and then he thinks he will be coming home.  We'll see what the doctors have to say.

I was able to stop by my house today. My hubby has been taking care of  the chickens.  He said everything was great, but when I went out to check on them, before I headed back to my Mom's, I found all 4 of my meat chickens dead in the yard!:hit All I found of 1 of them was it's wings.  He doesn't know what happened.  I had been keeping all the girls cooped up because of all the loses I've had to hawks recently, but he was letting them out.  I did not think the meaties could get out of the enclosure I had them in, so  I don't know if something got in there & scared them enough to get them motivated enough to get out of the opening at the top or what.  In the end, it doesn't really matter.  The outcome remains the same.  None of them were in any shape to salvage, plus I don't know how long they had been dead, so they got buried in the garden.  Expensive fertilizer.  :mad:

I did get a lot of eggs.  He said he had been collecting them, but I think he was only getting them out of 1 coop.  Also, I finally found some eggs in the EE coop:weee , unfortunately, they were broken. It looked like they had frozen and cracked. :he   In the 3rd coop I found 8 white eggs (there are only 2 white egg layers in that coop!).

It's been a hectic few days, and it isn't over yet.:rolleyes:   :idunno

Oh no! I'm so sorry. That is so much to have on your plate. Very odd the way you found the meat birds where do you live? What predators are around you? Praying for you and your family. And sending hugs too!


Chicken eggs 7

Temp a chilly 64F degrees sunny and calm winds

Oh karenerwin

That would be just to overwhelming for me to take in all in one day but it is nice to know your mom has a nurse around just in case something goes wrong and falling in the bathroom can be very bad I found out personally, so sad .

Your lucky Hubby is feeding the chickens, and it is very hard to get anyone to do them chores I have lost more animals when others are caring for the flock then I have lost to wild animals and yes domestic animals are counted in there also .....

Wish you well with all your latest's Problems
3 today, 2 coop girls & 1 brooder girl (our new Wyandotte layer)
These lights are amazing, really helping the girls by making them more active. Pouring for 24hrs

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