How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Chicken eggs 1 per day for the last three days ....

I cant get the Duck's nest but I see she is starting up another clutch .

Temp low 60's in the day time and in the mid 30's at night and very little wind for several days now .

Happy new year to all you poultry farmers

Hi Gander, I hope you had a nice New Year's Eve. Here's to an uneventful & healthy 2017
I hope your duck has better luck this time around with her hatch!

7 eggs today. Mom & Dad got accepted into the assisted living place.
My oldest brother & his wife are flying out tonight so the 3 of us will work hard all this week to get them ready to move. Their move in date is Monday, January 9th.
@karenerwin wwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
so happy for you and them HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9 of 20


Chicken eggs 1 the girls are resting or just enjoying the cold

Temps Day time low 50's and the nights are in the high 30's no winds but cloudy do to it snowing in the mountains but only down to 3000 feet .

Karenerwin, I see you are still getting a great egg count, and it's nice to see you are have some time with your family hope your parents enjoy their new living accommodations .

I just spent a couple of days in the Sierra Mountains looking at a gold claim as it was covered in snow we only got to look inside the small opening's of which there were three adits that totaled 340 feet of workings and I shaft that totaled 500 feet of total workings and the highest spot was 4 foot 10 inches and 3 foot wide all dune by hand with a recorded 937 troy ounces recorded coming off the 20 acres top and inside but there was plenty of courts and copper I do believe I could make out some silver, what I do believe is silver I took to the SA'ers office so it will be a few weeks before I get the report back .
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