How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

16 eggs yesterday. Spent most of the evening into the early morning hours battling the flooding in our basement. Still raining today. Daughters room got flooded while we were sleeping. Going back downstairs to battle the water some more. think I have just about burnt out the motor on our wet dry vac! Hope you all are doing well.
oh my gosh please I pray your all safe
oh my gosh please I pray your all safe
Thanks, Penny. We are safe. It's crazy that we have any flooding at all as we live on the top of a large hill. The whole city of St. Louis would have to be under water for any flooding from rivers or creeks to affect us. For us, our problems always come when the ground is over saturated. I think we may have an underground spring or something that swells with all the excess water and then it finds it's way into our basement. We are going to call a couple of companies on Monday and have them give us estimates on fixing the problem.

thanks for the prayers! I don't think we have had anything get damaged/destroyed by the flood water this time.

Chicken eggs found 13

Momma goose was chased off her nest after 38 days and a younger goose is now siting on the last five eggs left .

One of the Mallard Drakes has the hot's for one of the geese so they are making a lot of noise at night wile he chases her around the yard pulling out her neck feathers ,,,, so funny

Temp it was 90F degrees by 09:30 and I was so dehydrated by 10:00 so I guess it is going to be one hot spring and the fact the flowers are still blooming is rather odd but in a couple more weeks they will be gone till next year
Doesn't seem fair does it. The older goose does all the hard work of sitting patiently all these days, just to be usurped here near the end.
What I learned about staying hydrated when my daughter ran cross country, is to pre-hydrate. Their coach always told them to drink a bunch of water the night before and the morning of the race, so that by race time they would be well hydrated.

I have 12 a even dozen even with lots of upheaval in the run silly large white puppy broke out of her crate in the
barn broke into the coop to play tag with birds although birds do not understand tag.. we thought we had white fuzzy secure in her
crate wrong the BF goes out to let the girls out silly white puppy is in the coop playing tag again..
bought new shock collar for 80 lb white puppy shaved her neck.
Good luck with the puppy training! Our black lab "played with" some of our hens to death before she learned to leave them alone. She still chases them sometimes if she finds them in her dog yard, but she doesn't try to catch them or pick them up any more.

18/21 - rained all day, uncovered run is puddled with mud.
Ours will be a quagmire soon. It was a pond this morning!
But now the water is draining away (into my basement, I think. LOL) I did add 2 more bags of river rock into the coop that was built on a concrete pad with no slope or drainage built in. The pad was already there and we didn't even think about drainage problems when we built the coop. We naively thought the water would "just run off the pad"
Needless to say, that isn't what is happening. We only have 1 coop that has a small covered run area. I open their coop/run daily and they also have a very large (now grass free) yard to wander. The other coop has a large inside area (12 x 10) but opens directly into a large yard (where there is no longer any grass!). The third coop is the one built on the concrete pad. It has a small dirt area under the coop and we ended up covering the pad with river rock to try to get the birds an area where they can be up out of the water and yuck when we get these rainy days. When we know we will be home, we open their coop/run and they get the run of the 2 acres. They mainly stick to the woods and over by my garden. I fenced in a nice big area for them but they rarely stay inside the fencing!

Do you have any ideas or plans to improve your muddy run?

all the fun of the 6 month old white dog snow breaking into the coop showing us
week spots we have systematically sheared up but she was in there not with supervision
three days in a row so 7 of 18 1 no shell poor girls are so stressed
At least you are finding the weak points and are able to fix them!


Chicken eggs 2 but I now seem to have two hens sitting on eggs

Turkey egg 1
Temp low 80's with winds all day and coming from the north made it nice as north winds are cold and southern winds are warm to hot so we are getting lucky for now but I am thinking we are going to have several weeks of summer above 120F degrees
I don't remember, do you have a tom turkey or just the hen? Any ideas what kind of eggs the hens are sitting on? Do you just let them sit on what they want? That's mostly what I do when I have a broody. Have you got your water cooler running yet? It sounds like you are going to need it this year!!
Do you have someone lined up to help you when you get to the "killer" part of summer?

Trying to fly out of the brooder that would be Ann
had 2/4 eggs today
thunderstorms and torrential rains thankfully no tornado's in meridian ms

here is a video of them
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18/21 @karenerwin normally it's never muddy, except this winter was too wet, so planning to roof that 2nd run extension after my hand that had surgery healed.
18/21 @karenerwin normally it's never muddy, except this winter was too wet, so planning to roof that 2nd run extension after my hand that had surgery healed.
I had the carpal tunnel on my right after 25 years took a awhile never regained all
my strength but no more pain glad I waited till they new what they were doing
theceltichorse is coming by later to give me a hand with
the collar use to train dogs now can barely stand with one if it moves
she run's away to fast being puppy but need to change it
I've used the training collar with my dog (and the dog before that). I do think that my dog knew when she had it on versus when it was off. But I do think that is why she finally quit trying to catch the chickens (or retrieve them!). Hopefully, theceltichorse will give you some good training tips & advice!

18/21 @karenerwin normally it's never muddy, except this winter was too wet, so planning to roof that 2nd run extension after my hand that had surgery healed.
Mine gets muddy pretty much every Spring. The yards the chickens roam are too large for me to think about putting a roof over them, but I have talked about at least putting a roof over an area. right now the chickens in the large coop can get under the coop to get out of the rain or sun. They also have an 8 x 10 tarp attached to the side of their coop. The 2nd coop has a small covered run that they can access from the yard and in the yard they have a 3 x 12 tin roof that is raised that they can go under. The 3rd coop just has the area under part of their coop and if it is raining hard, that gets pretty muddy. We had a tarp on top, but it has come most of the way off and I couldn't get it pulled back up on Friday. My hubby said he is planning to make a tarp frame or something to keep the tarp in place or we may just buy the corrugated roof panels to put over the wire roof. Anything would be a help at this point!

19 eggs today and we finally got the basement dry. Plus I discovered where the water is coming in! Also, the rain has stopped for the day
Biggest problem I am having with the collar is getting it to pair with the collar there are two collars
with it the sending unit doesn't want to pair? Seem the girls have given me 9 today better than 6 yesterday

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