How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

These are the eggs our four laying hens layed over the last 5-6 days:


Curious your birds lay so early. No light in the coop at 5 AM? My girls don't get up until the sun is up and seeing as their coop is a converted horse stall in an old barn with windows only on the west side, they don't get any direct morning sun so "wake up" time isn't very early.

I have one who has been laying really early, sometimes as early as 4. Sunrise isn’t until 7, and there are no lights in my coop (well, overnight. I have a light but only if I turn it on!).

I appear to have 7/12 laying (they hatched in May). I’m averaging 5-6 eggs per day. Yesterday’s eggs plus one from the day before:

Nice colors you have there @KWVT :) What breeds do you have (I'm betting on a couple of EEs). And where are you in VT (generally of course!).

Thanks! Yes, two EEs. Also: Silver Laced Wyandotte (2), Gold Laced Wyandotte (2), Dominique (2), Black Australorp (2), Delaware (1), and Barred Rock (1).

Part of me wonders if I should have gotten one or two white layers and maybe a Maran for even more color.

I’m near Stowe.
DW grew up in Stowe within sight of the quad, double and gondola. Her Dad had a spotting scope in the living room so he could check the ski conditions before heading up. The farthest she's ever lived from there was the years she spent at Dartmouth.

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