How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I'm not holding my breath on the faverolles, I've never had a hen go broody at a little over six months and I've never had a hen of any kind not lay at all at eight months so the fav sisters are just doing their own thing lol! The ameracuna isn't an April pullet she turned a year old this May, she's just very slow getting the egg factory back online. Her EE and Delaware hatch sisters are already back laying, they did indeed lay through their first winter last year.
Until my April 2017 hatched Exchequer Leghorns started then STOPPED laying this fall, I would have said that based on my experience your April girls should lay all through their first winter. ALL of the prior 2 batches (2012 and 2015) laid their first winter even the Cubalayas. At least my Favs didn't start going broody until their first spring :thIs your "Ameraucana" really an Ameraucana or is she an EE? Either way, I would expect her to start soon given the April hatch. Is her comb red?
The ameracuna isn't an April pullet she turned a year old this May, she's just very slow getting the egg factory back online. Her EE and Delaware hatch sisters are already back laying, they did indeed lay through their first winter last year.
All in good time :D I've had VERY few girls lay their second winter. Of the 2012 girls, one Black Australorp, one Faverolles and one Partridge Chantecler. The BA was a late moulter and did start back up in January her 3rd winter. The 2015 girls seemed to start back up a bit earlier their second winter than the 2012 girls, Jan and early Feb for some of them. My EEs seem to be on a "no eggs for 3 months" schedule after they moult, the BAs and WRs are quicker, closer to 2 months.

Oh and 3 eggs from 5 active layers today, including a 72g Jumbo from the 2015 EE that just restarted.
A jumbo,very nice! I was prepared not to get any eggs this winter from my molters I'm glad two of them had other plans. I've only got six hens, three year and a halfs and three spring pullets. My plan was the pullets would pull the wagon while the other girls molted,did not turn out like that. I've got one single pullet laying, a little dominicker and I'm convinced she's only laying because she's too mean not to.:)
All in good time :D I've had VERY few girls lay their second winter. Of the 2012 girls, one Black Australorp, one Faverolles and one Partridge Chantecler. The BA was a late moulter and did start back up in January her 3rd winter. The 2015 girls seemed to start back up a bit earlier their second winter than the 2012 girls, Jan and early Feb for some of them. My EEs seem to be on a "no eggs for 3 months" schedule after they moult, the BAs and WRs are quicker, closer to 2 months.

Oh and 3 eggs from 5 active layers today, including a 72g Jumbo from the 2015 EE that just restarted.
My plan was the pullets would pull the wagon while the other girls molted,did not turn out like that.
Me too!! My two earlier batches were June hatched so this year I got them at the end of April to ENSURE they would be laying when the other girls cut out. 2 of them started early, then quit early to late Oct (and the Exchequers were laying Peewee to low end small). Two started early and mid October. The two others didn't start until the middle and end of November. Good thing 4 of the 6 2015s did work into mid to late October.
I got three from nine girls. Of my three in their second winter, only the australorp is laying and she is a machine! I hope her little body takes a break at some point. She has yet to have a molt, and I hope that happens before or after the coldest part of the season. Not sure what’s up with my Leghorn in her second winter. My Plymouth Barred Rock is having the longest slowest molt of all time, so I don’t expect her to lay anytime soon.
Of my six pullets, I don’t know for sure who’s laying. Definitely my Brahma and Buckeye. I think my Buff Orp is having a juvenile molt, as I see her feathers here and there, her comb has paled slightly, and she won’t squat for me. Molt aside, shouldn’t they all lay through winter their first year? I’m in California with mild winters. Don’t get me wrong, if their bodies need a break, I’m all for it. Things have definitely slowed down.
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