How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Karen, the POINT of the TRAP is to TRAP the predator. Use any means necessary. Really unlikely they are going to see the trap and think "gee, guess I'm supposed to walk in there so the door can close and I'll be unable to get out". Have to give them a REASON to walk into the TRAP.
We have actually trapped quite a lot of raccoons and a couple of skunks in un-baited traps. I don't think we have ever caught a possum in an un-baited trap though.

7 eggs for me today.
@PouleChick, how’s the new job?
:frowThanks for asking Kris, I don't start until the 1st of April, I'll be driving to Biarritz (3 hours or so) this time in 2 weeks ready for 2 days of training / meetings. I'm very excited, just trying to find new clothes as have been living in jeans / shorts the last few years and before that I wore scrubs at work and then only need casual stuff for days off! Won't know myself needing to look smart :lau
36 Eggs Yesterday, I was busy with job, kids and the new chicks hatched yesterday. 12 chicks hatched :jumpy:jumpy:jumpyout of 15 eggs on day 22. Wife was surprised :oops: for more chicks that came home. She heard the chirps during dinner time from laundry room and layed it on me :smack was pretty close to sleeping in the coop last night with chickens or laundry room/basement with 1 day old chicks. I should have just shut up instead of saying “what do you care, you don’t take care of them anyways” but all is well since she loves me, though she asked how they are this morning before getting the kids for church.:D
:frowThanks for asking Kris, I don't start until the 1st of April, I'll be driving to Biarritz (3 hours or so) this time in 2 weeks ready for 2 days of training / meetings. I'm very excited, just trying to find new clothes as have been living in jeans / shorts the last few years and before that I wore scrubs at work and then only need casual stuff for days off! Won't know myself needing to look smart :lau

You go girl !
I should have just shut up instead of saying “what do you care, you don’t take care of them anyways” but all is well since she loves me, though she asked how they are this morning before getting the kids for church.:D
Kris, Kris, Kris you should know better than that :smack:smack:smack:lau Sounds like she has forgiven you already!
You go girl !
Thanks Penny, I'm very excited! Found a lovely navy with cream spots spring dress and some simple creamish leather moccasins which will go with everything. Also have a lovely new Filofax to replace my tatty looking bullet journal so getting organised! Need to go through my warmer weather clothes that are in suitcases to see if I can find anything suitable to pull together a couple more outfits! Looking forward to being back out in the workplace after 4 years of 'maternity leave' :D I don't regret of course giving my last baby that time, he needed it but now is a good time!
Pace yourself you will be dead tired by day 2 so spare yourself a few to play with clothes
I know it will be a shock to the system! I also need to decide if I can manage the 3 hour drive home after the 2nd day of training (probably not finishing until 5 or 6) or if I should stay and come home the following morning.

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