How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

It is that time of year when many start to see their numbers drop. Here in AZ, I at least, have the opposite experience. The summers are so hot that our girls laid very few eggs. Now the temps are getting much more comfortable, and we have lights in the coops and run, so we got 34 eggs yesterday from 38 girls. 35 if you count the soft shelled egg from one of the young pullets.
I'm sure you already said, but how old are the little ones?
Well here are all 10 of them:

Tippy is 29 weeks
5 ‘School chicks’ 26 weeks
Sophia’s 4 chicks 19 weeks

At this rate Sophia’s chicklets will lay first! One of them squatted for me today.

Tippy and the school chicks are all half Polish, Sophia’s chicks are Hoover Hatchery coloured egg layer package. So who knows about them!
4 today…

And those youngsters still not laying… I give up.
I have one whose comb is still small and light pink. She and her sisters will be 30 weeks old on Wednesday, so they're not quite 8 months old. The other 3 have flaming red combs, I suspect they're laying.

Oh, got two eggs today.
Well here are all 10 of them:

Tippy is 29 weeks
5 ‘School chicks’ 26 weeks
Sophia’s 4 chicks 19 weeks

At this rate Sophia’s chicklets will lay first! One of them squatted for me today.

Tippy and the school chicks are all half Polish, Sophia’s chicks are Hoover Hatchery coloured egg layer package. So who knows about them!
You'd think they'd be laying by now. They're plenty old enough. :confused:

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