How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

The day I have been waiting for finally came: I got 12 out of 12 laying hens!!! Plus one duck. I'm a happy chicken mommy.
This is my first time on the forum. I went out to feed and gather the eggs and I got one that was black. I showed my wife and we had never seen a black chicken egg. I took it in and cleaned it up some and it turned out almost gray with speckles--almost like granite. What does a black egg mean? Our "flock" consists of 6 hens and a rooster. We also have 5 ducks and one duckling, 7 dogs and a pony. We had one brown egg once--a double yolker--that was 3 inches long.
I only have three pullets, but I get eggs from all of them most days. Usually 18 eggs a week. I'm new to the whole pet chickens thing, I had no idea they would lay so much.

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